"Americano 13" | Coffee People Zine
"The Church Doors Were Left Open" | EcoTheo Review
"Self-Portrait as Dudley Do-Right (1999)" | Sledgehammer Lit
"Ground Control to Major Tom" | Sledgehammer Lit
"Target Had Select Funko Pops 50% Off, So I Tried To Buy Rick O’Connell From The Mummy, But I Left It In My Cart Too Long, And It Sold Out, So I Bought Shaq Instead" | The Daily Drunk
"The Goldfish in You've Got Mail Reflects on its Big Break" | The Daily Drunk
"Self-Portrait as Film Etiquette" | The Daily Drunk
"Americans in Paris" | The Inklette
"after" | Haunted Waters SPLASH
"To an African Elephant" | Tiny Seed Literary Journal
"AOL: Asteroids Online" | Sledgehammer Lit
"A Toy Story" | Wig-Wag Mag
"Tom Hanks Goes to a Rummage Sale" | Press Pause Press
"On the Only Lines of Lady Macbeth’s That Anyone Remembers" | Kalonopia Collective
"Jekyll and Formaldehyde" | Oxmag | Second Place Winner of The Golden Ox Contest
"If I Had Died in Elementary School, My First Question for God Would’ve Been, 'What’s My Neighbor’s Dog’s Name?'" | HASH Journal
"Mandy always laughs when I act stupid" | Drunk Monkeys
"First Dates: A Series of Unfortunate Events" | The Wineskin
"Invisible Ink" | The Wineskin
Visual Art/Photography
"From Iceland’s Golden Circle" | Tiny Seed Literary Journal
Second Place in OxMag’s The Golden Ox Flash/Micro Contest for "Jekyll and Formaldehyde" | 2021
Two-Time Recipient of the Excellence in Education Grant | Northern Michigan University | 2019 & 2020
Senior Class Poet | North Central University | Class of 2017
Two-Time Recipient of the Tangmo Endowment for the Arts | North Central University | 2016 & 2017
Fiction of the Year Award for "Invisible Ink" | North Central University | 2015